Sunday, 19 June 2016

A new trip, a new school

Almost here, Zeins great big adventure number two. But this time we have to go to school. We are not allowed to go to away this year unless we do something called Sydney distance education primary school. 

This is Phoebe and me outside the school.

We do our lessons online, do work sheets or take our lessons live with our teacher. We only have to do two hours a day so that way we can still go out.


  1. Yay! Hardly any school for the next term

  2. Very exciting, hope you had a great day at your new school! From Anonymous

  3. And do they have Sydney Distance Education Preschool for Juliet?

    1. We tried to enrol her too but unfortunately they wouldn't take her

  4. Online news from all the nieces today! Glad to see you've still got the knack Liv. Can't wait to see your travels.

  5. I was so excited to have your message pop into my inbox. I think the school thing sounds exciting - and two hours really isn't that bad :) I am sure Zoe, Hugh, FInn and Vaughn would love to swap with you xo

  6. I was so excited to have your message pop into my inbox. I think the school thing sounds exciting - and two hours really isn't that bad :) I am sure Zoe, Hugh, FInn and Vaughn would love to swap with you xo

  7. You kind of look like you have a uniform! nice bags ;)

    1. We got there and realised we were all wearing the same thing including mum

  8. Great stuff girls; you have got us excited about hearing all your exciting news about your travels.
    Love, Grandpa and Grandma
