Thursday, 1 September 2016

Barcelona Flamenca

Last night we went to the BEST flamenco show in the world! It was really loud and ONLY me and Mum went (that's Phoebe). I wanted to go because I really like dancing. I couldn't stop smiling in the metro on the way there. Even when a man hit me (accidentally) in the head with a huge bag. We didn't know what was in the big bag but after the Flamenco we saw the man was outside selling handbags he took out of the massive bag. 

There were four people dancing, four people playing music - one playing drums, two singing and one on the guitar. 
The two women dancers changed costumes a lot. At first they had long gowns on with frills at the end. Then they came in with same dresses but with white shawls on with bright flowers. Then only one girl came in with a long dress with string pieces hanging from the top. Then after the men did dancing the women came in with pant suits on like the men. Then finally with red dresses. 

It was on really late at night and I didn't sleep till midnight. The next morning we had to get up really early to get to Rome (I'm writing this in Rome).

Me at the concert hall

The long dress with the shawl

The first dresses

The red dresses

Me and Juliet in our Flamenco dresses


  1. Phoebs that sounds wonderful. You and Juliet look just like the dancers in the picture above you!

  2. Thank you Phoebe, that is a lovely story. I bet you dreamt that you were a Flamenco dancer.

    1. I did! I had a dream about it that night.

  3. Wow Phoebs! that sounds great! I would have loved to see the show. Cant believe you got hit by a bag full of bags. crazy
