Saturday, 13 August 2016


Yesterday the plan was to go and see a giant computer used in World War Two but only our grandparents ended up going. After a lot of research we decided to go to a place called the Leys in Witney. We had lunch at Waitrose. It was only a 20 minute drive when we got there we saw how amazing it was. There was a 4m high rope bridge where you had to climb up a cylinder shaped climbing frame, birds nests for children which was about 3m high, a water play station, tepees, tyre swings, a putting green, basket swings, and a trampoline. We stayed there for a bit then went to the putting green then went back to the playground then back home.

                The play structure 

              The swings


  1. Olivia, your swing looks like a flying saucer. Enjoy your last week in Oxford.
    Love, Grandpa and Grandma

  2. It looks like you are having so much fun ,Enjoy it girls. Lots of love from Teta and Giddo

  3. Much better fun than looking at a old computer!

  4. You seem to be having such great weather. There is always blue skies and sunshine in your photos. I thought England was always grey and miserable?

  5. It's been unbelievable actually. Nearly every afternoon clears to be warm and beautiful with long warm evening. We have only had two days of typical English dreary weather. Kate xx
