Saturday, 9 July 2016

Royal Botanical Gardens

This is Phoebe. Today we went to the Botanical Gardens. At first we thought it was a boring place until we went to the front desk and got a kids' back pack with all these exciting activities in it. In the back pack was a stop-watch, a thermometer, a compass, a tape measure and a magnifying glass. We stayed for another 2 hours. We then saw a deer. I was the first to see it. We then had to help get it out of the Botanical Gardens. We chased it for a while but then couldn't find it so we thought it must have got out safely across the river. When I saw it I was measuring trees to see which was the thickest and thinnest. The deer was quite small with no horns. We jogged all around the gardens timing ourselves. My jog was 3 minutes and my walk was 6 minutes. We also learnt how to read a map and a compass. 

Then we went home and had strawberries and cream. Our friends come out after school to play and we always play with them and arrange a time after dinner to meet them. 

Us in the garden

Our lunch pack

The vegetable garden at the Botanical Garden


  1. Looks like fun! Love your posts Phoebs!

  2. That kids pack sounds like great fun. I love the pic of the three of you in the park - all those purple flowers are so pretty.
    I have Aunty Amy and Uncle Luc and your cousins staying with me at the moment. It's a full house in Kensington.

  3. Wow, you guys are having such a great time!

  4. With all these picnics, meetings friends in the park and eating all those strawberries with cream it's beginning to sound a bit like a Famous Five adventure.

  5. Hello this is Grandpa. I loved the idea of your kids pack to make the botanic gardens more interesting. Yesterday we travelled around Darwin on the big red bus and then dined out on the harbour.
