Sunday, 28 June 2015

Cairo Again

We have left Alexandria and have arrived back in Cairo. Sorry for not keeping up but we go to bed so late. 😑

Yesterday we left the house and had our first McDonald's in Egypt. Then we found out there was a huge dust storm in Cairo so we had to fight that. 

We arrived late at night and were greeted by our cousins then we went to bed then woke the next morning.

The next day we had breakfast at the most delicious restaurant called the Left Bank then we went to Cairo Tower and the view was great! It's like Sydney tower but looking out on Cairo. We went to have dinner at somewhere called Olivo, a pizza shop then had donuts for dessert then we went on a boat ride on the river Nile.

PS. Utch, Aunty Tash pointed  out a telephone tower that was a palm tree! In?

Here is my great aunt and uncle waving us goodbye 

Here is us and my cousin, Leo, at Left Bank.

Here is the pool we went to

There are no rules in Egypt so you can sit wherever in the car because there are no seat belts. You can even stand up and walk!

Here is the view from Cairo Tower

And this is the boat ride. I've got a chocolate donut in my hand.


  1. The donuts were the best. Olivia

  2. The pool looks better than being packed in like sardines in the car.

  3. Sounds like a fun-filled day! Are you looking forward to going home?
    Love Aunty Amy xx

    1. Yes. I really miss Daisy

    2. And your classmates and teacher right?

      I wonder if we'll get one more post before you are home? I will miss your adventure, you'll have to think of a new blog for us all to follow.

  4. Wow - I am envious Olivia - I would love to be swimming right now but it is freezing in Wagga. I assume the swim was very refreshing after a dust storm. I would really like one of those chocolate donuts right now as it is dessert time here. The car trip looks fun. When I was a young child (like your Mum) there were no car seats and you could lie down and sleep much easier without a seat belt on. But too many people were injured without them so stay safe :) I look forward to reading your next adventure xo

  5. Telephone tree ...... In 😉
